I-Evil Resident 4 Amakhohlisi we-PS2

Amakhophi , amakhodi, nezimfihlo ezilandelayo ziyatholakala ku-Resident Evil 4 ku-console yevidiyo ye-Sony PlayStation 2.

Ada Wong

Isikrini Esinye Isihloko

Gcwalisa umdlalo oyinhloko kanye

Ashley Graham

I-Ashley & # 39; s Knight Armor Outfit

Bella Sisters

I-Chicago Typewriter (I-Main Main)

I-Chicago Typewriter (Izindlela Ezihlukile)

Don Diego

Don Esteban

Don Jose

Don Manuel

UDon Pedro

UDkt. Salvador

I-Infinite Rocket Launcher



Umholi weZealot

I-Leon With Handgun

I-Leon With Launcher Rocket

Leon With Shotgun

I-Leon & # 39; s Gangster Outfit

Luis Sera





Isiphequluli se-Movie

I-PRL 412

Inselele Yomsebenzi

Izindlela Ezihlukile (I-Ada & # 39; s Bonus Game)

Izindlela Ezihlukile I-Movie Browser

Isosha Nge-Dynamite

I-Soldier With Hammer

Isosha Elinezintambo

Izingubo ezikhethekile zikaLeon, Ada, no-Ashley

Zealot With Bowgun

I-Zealot NgeScythe

Zealot Ngesihlangu

I-Ada & # 39; s Bika u-Albert Wesker

I-Ada & # 39; s Bika uJack Krauser

I-Ada & # 39; s Bika ku-Leon Scott Kennedy

I-Ada & # 39; s Bika i-Los Illuminados

I-Ada & # 39; s Bika ku-Luis Sera


U-Albert Wesker

I-Handcannon (KuMdlalo Omkhulu)


UJack Krauser

I-Hat Trick ne-Strike i-Pose

Ashley omkhulu

I-Leon ephikisiwe

Yenza i-Gatling Gun ibonakale ngaphandle kweMonk Red

Ukudubula Range Meteor

Amanye amakhodi angenhla athunyelwe ngokungaziwa.