I-God of War Collection Cheats ye-PS3

Amakhohlisi, amakhodi, nezimfihlo zikaNkulunkulu we-War Collection ku-PS3.

Mayelana ne-God of War Collection

Lalela Funda Kudivayisi kuphela Kwengeziwe Buka Kufakiwe 2 Epic Adventures of Conquest, Destiny, and Vengeance, God of Warand God of War II , return for the first time on BluRay Disc ! KuNkulunkulu Wempi: Ukuqoqa, uzothola izwe elimnyama laseGrisi lasendulo nge Kratos, isosha elinonya elinqunyelwe ukubulala uNkulunkulu weMpi futhi ushintshe ukuthi akukho muntu owake waphenduka ... isiphetho ngokwaso.

Njengoba uNkulunkulu we-War Collection ehlanganisa zombili imidlalo ku-disc eyodwa, amakhasi wekhodi ekhohlisayo lapha azoba ndawonye. Ngale ndlela ungabona amacebo, amathiphu, ama-cheats, kanye nezintambo ezintsha ezongezwayo zombili zomdlalo endaweni eyodwa. Ake siqale ngezintambo zikaNkulunkulu weMpi noNkulunkulu weMpi 2.

I-God of War Trophies

Ama-trophies alandelayo angavulwa ku-God of War Collection (inguquko, inguqulo eguquliwe yomdlalo ekhishwe njengesihloko se- PlayStatioin 3 Greatest Hits).

1.21 i-Gigawatts (i-Bronze Trophy)
Thola uRage Rage.

Basha i-Dead Horse (i-Bronze Trophy)
Gcwalisa umhlatshelo we-Centaur eHayidese.

I-Bolt Action (i-Bronze Trophy)
Thola ukufutheka kukaZeus.

Ungayishiyi I-Hanging Yakhe (i-Bronze Trophy)
Sindisa i-Oracle ngemizuzwana engu-10 ukuyeka.

Ungabhekani Nqamuka! (I-Bronze Trophy)
Nqoba i-Sirens yasehlane.

Ngithole I-Beer Kid (I-Bronze Trophy)
Zikhulule wena ekujuleni kweHayidese.

Thola i-Rolling Ball (i-Bronze Trophy)
Gcwalisa Inselele ye-Atlas.

Ukuthola i-My Ass Kicked (i-Bronze Trophy)
Kuwanele ukuze uthole i-Easy Mode.

I-God Killer (i-Silver Trophy)
Bulala ama-ares.

I-Head Hunter (i-Silver Trophy)
Thola ikhanda lomfazi we-Architect.

I-Hitman (i-Bronze Trophy)
Thola i-100 Hits Combo.

I-Hitman 2 (i-Silver Trophy)
Thola i-200 Hits Combo.

Ngizothatha i-Physical Challange (i-Gold Trophy)
Gcwalisa Inselelo YabaNkulunkulu.

Nguyena oyedwa (i-Silver Trophy)
Phinda ukhiye weKaputeni.

Isihluthulelo Sempumelelo (i-Gold Trophy)
Qoqa wonke ama-Muse Keys.

I-Kickboxer (i-Bronze Trophy)
Gcwalisa i-Spike Room Box Puzzle.

Iqoqo le-Kratos 'le-Marble (i-Silver Trophy)
Qoqa wonke ama-Gorgon Eyes.

I-Legend of the Twins (i-Silver Trophy)
Buka Ukugcinwa 'Kokuzalwa Kwesilwane' Umcebo.

I-Matador (i-Bronze Trophy)
Yinqobe yokuqala ye-Minotaur.

Lungiselela ukuba nguNkulunkulu (i-Gold Trophy)
Beat the Game kunoma iyiphi Inkinga.

I-Rockin 'the Boat (i-Bronze Trophy)
Gcwalisa i-Mini Mini-Game.

Ukuqothula (Ukuqothulwa Kwamabhomu)
Thola i-Medusa's Gaze.

Roll Over ... and Die (Ibhola Lesibhakabhaka)
Win the first Cerberus fight.

I-Scape Goat (I-Bronze Trophy)
Yinqoba ukulwa kokuqala kwe-Satyr.

Ukubona i-Red (i-Silver Trophy)
Ukuxhuma konke ukulwa nezikhali.

Ukusesha Umphefumulo (Ukuqothulwa Kwamabhomu)
Thola i-Army yaseHayidese.

Isivinini sikaJason McDonald (i-Gold Trophy)
Beka umdlalo emahoreni angaphansi kwama-5 kunoma yibuphi ubunzima.

Splash (Ibhola Lesibhontshisi)
Kiss the Nyad.

Yibambe ku-Cap Yakho! (I-Silver Trophy)
Qoqa zonke izinpaphe zePenienix.

I-Sword Man (i-Bronze Trophy)
Thola i-Blade ka-Artemis.

Thatha iBull nge-Horns (Silver Trophy)
Nqoba i-Pandora's Guardian.

Amandla Okubulala UNkulunkulu (I-Trophy Trophy)
Buyisa ibhokisi le-Pandora.

I-Baked Totally (Bronze Trophy)
Gcwalisa Umhlatshelo Wabantu.

I-Trophy ye-Zeus (i-Platinum Trophy)
Vula wonke amaTrophies kaNkulunkulu weMpi.

Uthole Ukuthinta! (I-Gold Trophy)
Ikhuphule ikholomu e-Spiked eHayidese ngaphandle kokulimala.

I-Zero Health (i-Bronze Trophy)
Vula i-Chest Health uma imitha yakho yezempilo isivele igcwele.

UNkulunkulu weMpi II iTrophies

Ama-trophies alandelayo angavulwa ku-God of War Collection (ngenkathi edlala u-God of War 2 ku-disc).

15 Min Fight Scene (Gold Trophy)
Hamba indlela yakho eya ekamelweni lokungcola emaminithi angaphansi kwengu-10.

I-Big, i-Tuff, i-Buff ne-Rough (i-Bronze Trophy)
Thola iRage ye-Titans.

Ama-Thumbs aphuzayo (i-Gold Trophy)
Beat the Challenge of the Titans.

Blowin 'Wad Yakho (Silver Trophy)
Ukuxhuma konke ukulwa nezikhali.

I-Blue Balls (I-Bronze Trophy)
Thola i-Chronos 'Rage.

I-Boss Batch 1 (i-Silver Trophy)
Bulala i-Colossus yaseRhodes, i-Dark Rider, ne-Theseus.

I-Boss Batch 2 (i-Silver Trophy)
Ubulale iNkosi yaseBarbarian, Euryale, noPerseus.

I-Boss Batch 3 (i-Silver Trophy)
Bulala i-Kraken nabo bonke abaSista abathathu.

Ukuphuza umoya (Izinqola zeBronze)
Thola i-Bane's Bane.

I-Daddy Issues (i-Silver Trophy)
Ukunciphisa i-Zeus.

Ukufa kusukela phezulu kuka-2009 (i-Bronze Trophy)
Nqoba iRider Rider okokuqala.

I-Eye Ayikwazi Ukuyikholelwa (i-Silver Trophy)
Qoqa wonke ama-Gorgon Eyes.

I-Eye Sore (i-Silver Trophy)
Qoqa 20 ama-Cyclops Eyes.

Zizwa i-Urn (i-Gold Trophy)
Qoqa futhi usebenzise okungenani ama-Urns we-Power.

Hamba wenze umcamelo! (I-Silver Trophy)
Ukuqoqa zonke izinpaphe zePenienix.

Ukushaya Ukushaya Kwakho (I-Bronze Trophy)
Nika amandla noma iyiphi into.

Ukufunda Ukuhamba (I-Bronze Trophy)
Thola ama-Icarus Wings.

Phakamisa Ngezinkukhu Zakho (Ukuqothulwa Kwamabhomu)
Gcwalisa ithempeli e-Bog of the Forgotten.

Pick'n kwi-Guy encane (i-Bronze Trophy)
Ukunqoba impi ngaphandle kwePhalamende lamaFates.

Uvuko (I-Bronze Trophy)
Khuphuka kusukela emgodini weHayidese.

Vuka futhi SHINE (Silver Trophy)
Vusa iPhoenix.

I-Rock Hard (i-Bronze Trophy)
Ukunciphisa i-Titan Minotaur ngaphakathi kwe-Atlas.

I-Rock yabo yezwe (i-Bronze Trophy)
Thola iNhloko ye-Euryale.

I-Shaky Ground (i-Bronze Trophy)
Thola i-Quake ye-Atlas.

Shine King (Silver Trophy)
Vula isitha ethempelini lase-Euryale.

I-Shiner (i-Bronze Trophy)
Thola i-Golden Fleece.

Spread 'Em (Silver Trophy)
Vula amaphiko eThe Temple of the Fates.

I-stoner (i-Bronze Trophy)
I-Stone ne-Shatter Izitha ezingama-30.

I-Super Sized (i-Bronze Trophy)
Thola i-500 Hits Combo.

I-Swinger (i-Bronze Trophy)
Phambuka i-Grapple Bridge ewa.

Ukuphela Kuqala (i-Gold Trophy)
Beat the Game kunoma iyiphi Inkinga.

I-Trophy yeGaia (i-Platinum Trophy)
Vula wonke amaTrophies kaNkulunkulu weMpi II.

U-Watcha Uthole Esikhathini Esifudumele? (I-Bronze Trophy)
Sombulula isithwathwa somfanekiso wesigwebo se-Fire Phoenix.

Whip it Good (Ibhola Lesibhakabhaka)
Sula ama-Steeds of Time.

Uyazi amaJalimane enza izinto ezihle ... (i-Gold Trophy)
Qoqa wonke ama-Uber Chests.

UNkulunkulu weMpi engaxhunywanga

Izinto ezilandelayo nezindlela ze-gameplay zingavulwa ku-God of War (original) kwi-disc ye-God of War Collection.

Vula Imfihlo Eveziwe
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game on Mode Spartan.

Vula izingubo ezihlukile ze-Kratos
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the Challenge Of The Gods.

Ukuvula Ukuzalwa Kwesilwane
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

Ukuvula Inselelo YamaNkulunkulu
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

Vula Amathuna Omuntu
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

Vula iziKredithi
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

Vula amazinga asusiwe
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

Vula imodi kaNkulunkulu
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

Vula Amathuba AseHeroki
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

Vula ama-movie wegeyimu
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

Vula ama-Monsters of Myth
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

Vula Umyalezo Wemfihlo 1
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game on God Mode.

Vula Ikusasa Le-Titan
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game on God Mode.

Vula imibono yeGrisi lasendulo
Indlela yokuvula: Beat the game once kunoma iyiphi ubunzima.

UNkulunkulu weMpi II Angenakuqhathaniswa

Izinto ezilandelayo nezindlela ze-gameplay zingavulwa ku-God of War II ku-God of War Collection disc.

Vula i-Athena
Indlela yokuvula: Qedela umdlalo kwimodi ye-Titan.

Vula i-Blade ye-Olympus
Indlela yokuvula: Qedela umdlalo, bese uqala ukudlala umdlalo omusha + / ubhonasi.

Vula ingubo ye-Cod of War
Indlela yokuvula: Qedela umdlalo nganoma iyiphi inselele.

Vula i-Dark Odyssey
Indlela yokuvula: Qedela umdlalo kumodi kaNkulunkulu.

Vula i-General Kratos
Indlela yokuvula: Qoqa amehlo angu-20 e-Cyclops. Kumelwe uwabulale ngokunyakaza okubukeka komongo. Isho inkinobho O.

Vula izikhali zikaNkulunkulu (I-costume enhle, ama-Doubles onke ama-stats)
Indlela yokuvula: Thola ukuthi uNkulunkulu usezingeni le-Challenge mode.

Vula i-Hercules
Indlela yokuvula: Qedela umdlalo kwimodi ye-Titan.

Vula i-Hydra Armor
Indlela yokuvula: Qedela umdlalo nganoma iyiphi inselele.

Vula isinqumo esiphakeme nesimo sezindaba
Indlela yokuvula: Qedela umdlalo nganoma iyiphi inselele.

Amathanga amaningi namacebo

Kungenzeka kube nama cheats, amakhodi, amacebiso kanye namathiphu engeziwe alo mdlalo obhalwe ohlwini lwezingqungquthela noma ikhodi yethu yokukhohlisa .